Is working online a good or a bad work?


New member
Jul 30, 2013
I have heard a lot about online business for example like data entry, computer operator etc and i have also heard about its advantage but what trouble me is that some of my friend who were working in that field have said that it is useless and just time consuming. According to them online work is just a way to attract people but not for payment or some kind of thing like that.
Recently i have joined in data entry and also i am interested in some other kind of online job that i can do staying in home. But after hearing my friend, i am confused. I have already paid for my training so that i can engage in online work. What should i do now? Is it good or is it really like my friend said?

Please help me


New member
Jul 15, 2013
Don't listen to your friend (too much). If you feel good about your job it means that it is good so don't worry. You can still improve your skills and go on with your career. For me, you should definitely try it and see how it will be :)


New member
Apr 10, 2013
I'll suggest you if someone is demanding registration fee for your online business don't go for it.
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Oct 17, 2017
Agree. There are many ways to earn online and you have to be careful in choosing the BEST among them. Maybe your friend had a terrible experience online but take the advises from the people here whom (I think) have more experiences earning online. I am an online teacher and I don't pay just to get a training, they even pay me. I know it will be difficult at first and you will get your doubts but sooner I'm sure you will find the best online company for you.


New member
Aug 6, 2013
I have heard a lot about online business for example like .................. Is it good or is it really like my friend said?

Please help me
If you get interest and satisfied by doing online job then I would definitely say that you must select it as your career but you should be very conscious about fraud services happening on internet.


New member
Jul 16, 2013
You have raised a very good point the current era says that technology stays ahead of time and if technology is ahead of time how it will be bad cause you are going to get something that will provide you a long term success and this can never be so bad.


New member
Jul 30, 2013
I think it is all good to have a try with online working. Thanks for all of the answers giver. Cheers................:yahoo:


New member
Aug 10, 2013
I have heard a lot about online business for example like data entry, computer operator etc and i have also heard about its advantage but what trouble me is that some of my friend who were working in that field have said that it is useless and just time consuming. According to them online work is just a way to attract people but not for payment or some kind of thing like that.
Recently i have joined in data entry and also i am interested in some other kind of online job that i can do staying in home. But after hearing my friend, i am confused. I have already paid for my training so that i can engage in online work. What should i do now? Is it good or is it really like my friend said?
Working online is a good thing if you a good and trustworthy specialist. But some people cannot work online because of their psychological constitution. No one tell you is it good or bad for you. Sometimes it is hard to do everithyng up to deadline if you`re working from home -- not from the office. It`s just a matter of self discipline. Sometimes new clients literally steal your time and money. This is a matter of risk. But if you have some constant trustworthy clientelle that style of living is great, pal.
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New member
Sep 24, 2017
Working online is good. Usually at the beginning, it is difficult because of a lot of information to learn about the online job you are doing. Take time to invest in yourself. Patience is one of the key components to succeed. Like any regular jobs, this counts as experience too working online. Cheers to your success Sir


New member
Aug 11, 2017
Working online at home for the rest of your life actually have negative side effects on your life, emotionally and mentally. It is very different working in an office than in the home, though of course, it also has benefits and advantages and you what it is. In the end, it isn't really a bad work, you still earn from it (if you are cautious and know about what you are working for) and more time in your home with your family. I'd see it as a temporary work which depends on circumstances life has to give.


New member
Sep 12, 2017
There are a lot of legit sites online that offer legit jobs and that really pay out. But there are also a ton of scammers online that offer fake jobs and does not pay out. So it's really your responsibility to make sure that the job you are entering is a legit one and not only to scam you and only waste your time, effort and energy. You could ask forums online like these about those sites that you are about to sign up to and ask people here in this forum or site if those sites that you are eyeing are legit or just scams. You could also check out different reviews about them and see all the feedback of the review if they have common experience about the sites that your interested in.


New member
Oct 24, 2017
For me it is not bad. Like me I have online job as sideline because my salary is not enough for our daily expenses. So maybe I gain little but still it helps me a lot.


New member
Oct 26, 2017
It depends. Online work can be good or bad thing. If you search on the net, there are good and bad comments. If you interview people, you can hear good and bad comments as well. But it all depends on what they do and what skills they have. And also, your friend has different, character, attitude and skills to you. You can't just believe all he/she said. You don't know how he/she do the work or maybe they just have a wrong choice of work. Just a tip, it's easier to ask someone who becomes successful in his field in online work. There are many people out here who become successful in online work. They found something and do something that your friend don't, so they have different results. But if you or your friend also do what those successful online workers do, you will also succeed. You will most likely achieve the same results that they have. Because you do the same work. Just do some research and you will find online jobs that give nice rewards and income.
Just an anology, example you're an engineer and you will take a board exam. In board exam, there are graduates who fail and there are graduates who passed. If you ask both sides, they can give you positive and negative comments.
In fact, there's a higher percentage of graduates who failed than those who pass. But because you want to pass, who do you think you will ask questions and tips.,from those who pass or those who fail? Of course from those who passed. Just ask the right people. Find those who succeed in their online jobs and check what they do.


New member
Oct 27, 2017
I have heard a lot about online business for example like data entry, computer operator etc and i have also heard about its advantage but what trouble me is that some of my friend who were working in that field have said that it is useless and just time consuming. According to them online work is just a way to attract people but not for payment or some kind of thing like that.
Recently i have joined in data entry and also i am interested in some other kind of online job that i can do staying in home. But after hearing my friend, i am confused. I have already paid for my training so that i can engage in online work. What should i do now? Is it good or is it really like my friend said?

Please help me
It depends on how willng you can give your effort and time for the job you applied online. For me, working online is a good job as long as you are happy about of what are you doing online and you are satified of what are you earning. Dont be afraid of doing new things and believe in yourself. I'll advise you to go and finish what you've started, who knows what those training can do for you and your career. But I'll suggest also to go for free trainings online you so dont have regets if it doesnt work for you. And lastly llok for a job online that you dont have to be stuck on your laptop or stay at home. You have to go for a job that you can handle your time unlike the office job that you have to be in the office for eight hours.


New member
Sep 1, 2017
I get what's the point of your friend and to be honest, there is some online job that is not worthy of your time. They pay very low like surveys, transcription, typing jobs, and a lot more. If you think you have skills in data entry or virtual assitant then go and try it. Explore the internet world. Sooner or later you will realized what is best for you.


New member
Oct 23, 2017
Yes, working online is good.
It actually depends on what type of job that you're going to do. If you're doing data entry then its really time consuming and the pay is really low but that's just because that type of work is the easiest. A lot of people really gives up on data entry right away because the pay is low and your doing a lot of work. So what you need to do is research and look for the type of job that you really excel at. Also, look for legit paying jobs, its not gonna be easy but if you found one then your good to go. I'm still actually looking for jobs online I've tried a lot of sites a lot of them are not available in my country, some jobs that I'm not good at and sometimes the pay is really low. ALL YOU REALLY NEED IS PATIENCE. I learned that its not going to happen overnight. You have to work because its a job, you can't just expect to join a job and they'll turn you into a millionaire just for signing up.
What you need to ask yourself is:
1. Are you mentally and physically prepared?
2. What type of job would you be doing?
3. Are you looking for a part time job or a full time?
4. What company would you be applying to? Or what site?
5. Do you have a bank account/Paypal/Peyza/Skrill? Where would they pay you?
6. Are you ready to wait if no task available for you? Or can you work with a deadline?
And many more but I think you got the point.
What you need to remind yourself.
1. Its a Job,
2. It wont happen overnight,
3. And Be patient.

That so far is what I learned in working online.
I hope this helps. :)

michelle camo

New member
Oct 29, 2017
I don't believe that there is no such thing as bad work, if your work is legal and you're not doing anything yo hurt someone just to earn money, whatever your job is, that is a good job. Now, working online is actually good for people who has the capacity to do so and has the patient to earn in the comfort of their home. Not all people would decide to go online, but I believe that the bottom line is whatever your job is as long as you are happy and as long as you are enjoying what your doing online or not just do what makes you happy and always do good in your field.


New member
Oct 3, 2017
Personally, I chose to work online because of so many advantages it has to offer me so, to answer your question for me its a good work. However in your case, if you are just starting online and have no experience at all, don't go for jobs that will require you to pay for registration. It could be illegal or a scam most of the time but sometimes it isn't. So, you have to help yourself... Research on jobs that you are going to join and check the reviews of that particular company if it has a good reputation or what not. It's always to step ahead than be sorry.


New member
Nov 20, 2017
Working online is great as long as you're having fun and you have time to do it. If it serve as outlet for stress or it energizes you while doing it then it cannot be wrong. First try to do it part time so you can get a feel of it, by then you will know if it is right for you. Don't focus on the monetary part while doing it part time, you must be enjoying it. Weather a particular online job pays well or less, the experience of doing it is much important for you to stay longer on it. The same concept applies for 8-5 kind of jobs in the corporate world. You need to test the water before diving through it. There are legitimate online jobs available out there like Upwork, Youtube, Amazon and etc. These sites pay well but you have to work hard to reap the reward.


New member
Nov 24, 2017
Working online is quite worth it. The only hard part is to actually find a website or an employer which are trustworthy enough for you to actually work on with. However, we cannot deny the fact that there are some others that are too demandable and picky with your work but, you know, work is work. You got to do what you have to do.

Just forget what your friend is saying. You haven't even fully tried it yet. Get a bit of experience first before you judge it. :)
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