Top 10 reasons why should use WordPress for your websites


Oct 3, 2012
I have known and used WordPress since around version 1.3.x. WordPress is not popular and widely used for many purposes as it is now. Honestly, those days I am an amateur about WordPress.
But WordPress becomes more powerful and it goes from a Blog Platform to be one of the most popular CMS software now. With personal experience when using WordPress, I synthesize several strengths of WordPress for your reference and decide whether to use it or not.

1. Absolutely free

Here free is free indeed. This means that you have the right to use, share, modify, tinker etc. You do not have to pay anyone a dime in any form whatsoever. Actually there more pulp than WordPress CMS hundred times but also asking for about $ 50/năm License.

2. Easy to use

There are many CMS user is created as challenge. Fix what should the code that interfaces the sacrifice beads sesame, lavender intolerance. WordPress overcome this is perfect with friendly interface use multiple jQuery allows you to drag and drop, close open windows, minimize unnecessary information and so on. Especially those who do not have web design experience but just want to make a personal blog, write, edit and post as simple as composing an email.

3. Easy to customize the template

There are the commercial CMS but really, price is also in the form of box more than a bottle that reads the user interface like crazy head. WordPress Template Tags help system for the Designer and non-specialized code can also create own interface. Of course, if you know the code, it would be easier, if slightly know a little bit, can also be interface.

4. Themes are available for free

If you do not want the hassle of creating their own interface, WordPress has many free nice interface like a dream for you to choose from. Just Google for a while, you have dozens of eye-catching interface. But if vibrate you can also buy skins for it.

5. Many free Plugins

Plugins for WordPress are more. Almost what you want to just search for a while that there was a plugin for it. For example, if you want your blog paging has WP-PageNavi, want Sitemap, Google Sitemap, you want to highlight code, Google Code Highlighter etc. general need something also.

6. SEO is very good

WordPress also famous for friendly search engine optimization. It has the ability to turn specific URL's CMS as pagename.php into the webmaster-forum-sun.html. If you want to lift more than you can use the "All in one SEO Pack" for your with this mood.

7. Update simple

For many other CMS, the update to the newer version is a real challenge. What is the back up the database, upload files to the host CHMOD so one, CHMOD the other, put this folder, hold the other folder and so on. but WordPress update, as a joke. Whenever a new version it tell you in the Admin Panel and the only thing you have to do is click on the Upgrade button is all completely automated. Even WordPress Plugin be upgraded so

8. Interacting with readers

If you do not want to use the forum, WordPress allows readers can comment on your page quickly.

9. Support and abundant resources

There are many things to give away for free, do not expect support. But WordPress has a large community using and can answer almost all the questions that you have. Furthermore you can find so many ebook manuals WordPress, video, documents related to WordPress.

10. Widgets Sidebar

This term is rather specialized, do not know, English is what was required. But the kind you use WordPress, you will see the sidebar of WordPress is really a work of art. You can drag and drop the parts you want to or not, it will automatically update. This is a very powerful feature of WordPress.


That's 10 best thing I saw in WordPress, this last hope I can convince you to use WordPress and join the elderly. Oh! the people who use WordPress.
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New member
Jun 6, 2012
Good post, wordpress is very popular, it support more plugins, widgets...and I am using this flatform for my websites
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